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discuss - [opennic-discuss] VOTE: Peering request for EmerCoin domains

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[opennic-discuss] VOTE: Peering request for EmerCoin domains

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Oleg Khovayko <khovayko AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: [opennic-discuss] VOTE: Peering request for EmerCoin domains
  • Date: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 18:13:15 -0500

Dear OpenNIC members,

My name Oleg Khovayko, I am CTO of EmerCoin project.
I would like to propose for your consideration request for peering between our EmerCoin DNS system, and OpenNIC.

Recently we have released a new version of our coin-system with support of
true decentralized p2p DNS service:

Each program of EmerCoin wallet contains built-in DNS server, which currently supports 4 domains:

.emc - Sites, related EmerCoin system and services, including EMC DNS.
.coin - Sites, related to 1:Cryptocurrencies 2:Financial services 3:P2P finance.
.lib - Libraries of info content: texts, mp3, video, program sources, etc
.bazar - P2P business venues, primary for Latin America and East Europe locations.

Our p2p domain system is "direct democracy" system.
Each wallet owner is able to register or manage his own names locally, using
his wallet program. All changes spread through distributed coin network in
seconds, and become available to any another wallet owner.

Modification or deletion of DNS records can be performed only by record
owner. Also, owner is able to transfer ownership to another wallet owner.
Again: Domain controlled exclusive by domain owner. Nobody else able to
cancel/disable/revoke/modify/alter domain.

System is protected by strong crypto, based on elliptic curves and PoW/PoS
blockchain hash signatures.

Technical details about our DNS subsystem is here:

Currently our domains available in "standalone" mode (by request to wallets on user's
computers), or through DNS gateway, which resolves domain names
by adding external suffix. For example, domain emer.coin in our TLD-zone *.coin
can be reached by

We would like to support ability for our customers to resolve TLDs as is (in native form),
without any suffixes. So, we asking you for peering our TLD in OpenNIC system.

I would like to note: Our system is true p2p. And it does not have some
"center", or "registrar". Each wallet owner is a center and registrar for
his names.

If see analog with money:
When you bring cash to bank, you trust to bank, and give to bank your
Usually, bank executes your orders, what to do with money. But, bank can be
gone to bankruptcy, or your money can be frozen by legal actions. Analogous
with current TLDs. Customer buys domain, but keeps it with domain provider

We have created alternative, like cash in the own wallet. Zero-trust
network. Each customer holds and maintain his own names in his local wallet.

Currently, as pilot project (proof-of-concept) peering by
Tier-1: NS10 (ns10.opennic.glue is already works.


Technical info - how to set up peering on your server.
Admin of NS10, Mario, prepared/shared this info:

Is very simple to change bind/powerdns configuration to peer with EmerCoin, just follow the Bind DNS proxy section at:

a) For powerDNS just change the forward-zones-file parameter in the recursor.conf with this:

and forwards.txt should have somethin like this:

b) For bind you can add zones as forwards like emercoin documentation or as static-stubs like this:

zone "emc" in {
type static-stub;
server-addresses {;;
... same for the other 3 TLDs ...

It is important to note
1) EmerCoin uses a descentralized-DNS subsystem (included in each wallet)
2) There is no SOA record because no one has the authority
3) There is no master-slave configuration type

Tier-1: NS10 (ns10.opennic.glue is now resolving emercoin domains for all whitelisted IPs in opennic.


Q/A from previous discussion:

---------- 1 ----------

Q: Precisely how is this altcoin different from NameCoin?

1. This is energy efficient PoS/PoW system. Do not need burning lot of energy for block closing.
Namecoin is pure PoW, burn many energy for support blockchain.

2. Size of DATA value in Emercoin is 20kb versus 1Kb in NameCoin. This is enough to fit long DNS records, or 8Kbit+ RSA public keys or CA Certificates.

3. Emercoin NVS is generic purpose data storage, not mentioned exclusively for DNS purposes only.
NVS can support lot of services. For example, it already used to store ssh keys (for worldwide PKI, emcssh program),
and ready to work as TTS storage (rfc3161). List of planned services you can see in doc:
Namecoin does not provide SSH PKI solution, like emcssh, or extended services.

4. Emercoin DNS system can support many TLD zones (currently *.coin|*.emc|*.lib|*.bazar). Namecoin supports *.bit only

5. DNS-server RFC1035 built-in into each wallet. So, do not needed special dump program, which dumps zone
from coin system and pass dump file to BIND or another DNS server. For instance, our gateway don't run any
dedicated DNS software. There is just regular headless wallet on port 53 only, which handles native DNS requests.
Also, this is true distributed and secure DNS. Each wallet owner can send DNS request to his own wallet, and DNS request cannot be intercepted/blocked/altered by MIM.

6. Emercoin DNS allows to store many record types, like A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, etc. In the Namecoin docs, we found examples for A-records only.

7. Emercoin DNS works. Just works. Most of Namecoin NS serers are out of service right now.

8. Regarding DNS service: You can specify name lease time in the Emercoin. In the Namecoin, it is constant, and always ~200 days.

9. Regarding security: Emercoin do not use centralized WEB-server to obtain external IP, as same as it doing Bitcoin, Namecoin and all descendants.
Instead, it utilize rfc3849 STUN. See details:

10. Regarding financial security: Fixed, non volatile exchange rate. Currently: 1c/EMC, for last ~3 months.
We assume, rate will be slowly increased only, together with EMC economy grows.
You can see historical rate chart:

I hope, 10 items enough for first time.
If needed, I can write more.

---------- 2 ----------

/Q: There are 533 virtual currencies ; Emercoin is not the best one./
A: How many of them have DNS server, built-in into wallet program?
I proposed distributed DNS and PKI, not coin exchange mechanism.

---------- ZZZ ----------

Another Q/A are very specific and have volume, so omitted there.

If needed more info from prev. discussion, or you have additional questions - you're welcome.


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