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discuss - [opennic-discuss] Introduction - and a couple of questions

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[opennic-discuss] Introduction - and a couple of questions

Chronological Thread 
  • From: <jc AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: [opennic-discuss] Introduction - and a couple of questions

Hello everyone! My name is JC. I am a tooling engineer for a plastics
company, with a passion for technology. specifically secure communication and
data management.

Myself and another are in the process of designing some hardware and software
around an idea that we had. My job in plastics puts me in the position to
make it tangible, and my friend is a programmer.. In our discussions, we
considered getting a new TLD extension.... then we saw that it was --- 185
THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!! ---- I immediately thought... this is absolutely
ridiculous.. why should something that is basically adding a name to a list so
ridiculously expensive, and why are they considered a non profit?? why does
big corporations get a right that I cant afford???? anyways,.. that's what
started me search and led me to you guys.

as for my questions. Just a couple of basic ones about your process.. Our
hardware that we are building will also be based on a network of communication
and pass through servers. these servers are the number 2 most critical aspect
of our plans. Having a TLD extension to match our network would be absolutely
wonderful, as we could then issues domain names to each user. I cant tell you
how far this would go to helping us. So I'm curious what your process looks
like? I saw that its a community based decision making process, so I really
would like to understand what you guys are looking for when someone comes to
you for a new extension.

Also, that said.. now that I know about your existence, I would like to set up
a DNS server. I would like to become a contributing member NOW so that in a
years time, I will have hopefully earned a bit of support with our project.
If anyone can point me to information regarding setting up this DNS server, I
would greatly appreciate it. Im somewhat familiar with DNS, but on the 10
scale of technical gurus, im probably a 3 or 4.. so I could use the help.

anyways. Thanks for your time, and thanks again for this project!


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