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discuss - Re: [opennic-discuss] Email to an account at one of the OpenNic domains from old ICANN

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Re: [opennic-discuss] Email to an account at one of the OpenNic domains from old ICANN

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Alex Hanselka <alex AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] Email to an account at one of the OpenNic domains from old ICANN
  • Date: Wed, 15 Feb 2012 18:04:54 -0600

I believe what the idea is is as follows...

email to "purrdeta AT"
will be received by "" and then forwarded on to purrdeta AT The problem with that is that even though "something AT" is an RFC and a standard, many places do not respect that or have some sort of arcane check for email validity that would fail.

On 2/15/2012 4:41 PM, Mike wrote:
Yes, that is the tricky part since an email client who is running on a
host which is not pointing to an OpenNIC resolver has no way to locate
an A record for rambleonrose.indy never mind an MX record.

Yeah, I don't know if you're going to be able to do that at all?! You
would have to somehow attach an MX record for ramblonrose.indy to a
domain that is visible from the ICANN namespace, but then how do you get
the email sender to resolve that if it just knows ramblonrose.indy?!

It's a tough one.


On 02/15/2012 12:56 PM, Hans Sussenburger wrote:

First off, my thanks to Julian for his help in getting me set up and
started on OpenNic.
Exchanging email between two OpenNic domain accounts works just fine, and
sending from my OpenNic account "tennessee.jed AT rambleonrose.indy" to any
ICANN account is easy too.

What turned out to be a bit more tricky, as expected, was to send, for
example, from hans.sussenburger AT to tennessee.jed AT rambleonrose.indy
I would be interested to hear what you guys are doing to get this to work
For my part, I set up a forwarding system with a demo version of
SmartPOP2Exchange (by JAM Software GmbH) like this:
1) I set up a mailbox "tennesseejed-rambleonrose.indy AT"
2) I installed SmartPOP2Exchange on my machine at home and configured it to
pull the contents of the "jed" account and forward any mail it to
tennessee.jed AT rambleonrose.indy
While this is not fully satisfying, the non-techies in my household are
quite attached to the email manifestation of their domain :-).

Let me know what you think, and especially if you have something better,

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