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discuss - Re: [opennic-discuss] New Opennic tld proposal: .ibu

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Re: [opennic-discuss] New Opennic tld proposal: .ibu

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Alejandro Bonet <albogoal AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] New Opennic tld proposal: .ibu
  • Date: Fri, 15 Nov 2013 11:09:23 +0100

Hi again:

I forget to say that you can register .ibu domains
(free first year, ten IBUs per year after if you are not ibu1000 nodes,
and allways free for ibu1000 nodes) at:


Also, you can create your personal account (or many accounts as you
want, but only
one with ibu1000 right) in these experimental servers:

Thanks and good food to all...

2013/11/15, Alejandro Bonet <albogoal AT>:
> Hi All Opennic Communitiy:
> My name is Alejandro Bonet from Madrid and i will talk also in name of
> Pedro Barrio also from Madrid, and Juan Rodriguez from A Coruña (all
> three in Spain).
> We are three computer programmers with years of experience.
> We have designed and developed a proposed internet protocol, and a
> free software to implement a new virtual currency called IBU.
> This new currency is created as Universal Basic Income instead of debt
> against central banks.
> The fundamentals of this new currency are:
> - All physical persons have the right to create his own IBUs at a rate
> of 1000 IBUs per month.
> This is so called "IBU1000 right".
> - The exact quantity is derived to the fact this is the world GDP
> percapita measured on euros or american dollars. In this way prices
> for products or services in IBUs could be the same as prices in euros
> or dollars.
> - Each first day of each month an automated process creates the 1000
> IBUs for those users who have make five movements the preceding month.
> This prevents the creation of IBUs in unnattended accounts.
> - Each IBU account has the form: user$domain (like email accounts).
> The use of dollar separator is based on the fact it is a symbol
> present in all keyboards worldwide.
> - There is an open protocol specification (we are working in the 2.0
> specs) to make transations between IBU acounts. The protocol is based
> in http/https requests and XML responses.
> - Each domain talking the IBU1000 protocol must publish open
> statistical data about IBUs created and transfered in time, without
> any kind of personal data. A domain talking the protocol is an
> "ibu1000 node".
> - Only personal accounts have the IBU1000 right: Accounts for groups,
> firms, institutions or societies must get their IBUs selling products
> or services, or receiving donations, or charging fees to their
> members.
> - The protocol has also a distributed hmails/account database to
> prevent the same physical person get his/her IBU1000 right more than
> once. One person is one (or more) emails, and these emails are
> converted to "hash emails" ("hmails", with ripemd160 hash function)
> and stored associated to the correspondent ibu1000 account in many
> nodes of the net: In this way it is easy for nodes to detect if a new
> email receive its IBU1000 right on another node, simply making a query
> to the distributed database... But these hmails cant be used for email
> spam, because it is easy to convert an email into an "hmail", but the
> reverse is not true.
> - Each person has the right to get his/her IBU1000 incomes each month,
> in the node of his/her election: No node can hijacked personal ibu1000
> rights, and all the nodes must accept to translate an IBU1000 right
> from one account into another if user want to do it.
> - All the nodes must have a "valid" domain name, and all the accounts
> in a node are of the form commented above: account$domain
> - All the IBUs circulating by the net has their origin on personal
> Universal Basic Incomes, and all the IBUs are indistinguible: One IBU
> is exactly the same thing as any other IBU (there are not marks or
> tags to distinguish them, or to trace them at all).
> - The nodes acts as "banks", in the sense they serve sheets of account
> movements to their users, and let them to make transactions, but not
> in the sense "they create money as debt".
> Nodes are not who create the IBUs: The IBUs are created by the users
> (real persons) of the nodes. Nodes are all automatic and no human
> decission or action is needed to create the IBUs.
> Nodes (or other entities) can loan IBUs to users or firms, but not
> creating them: Only existent IBUs can be loaned, and all IBUs are
> created as Universal Basic Income for real persons.
> - We are focused on respect users privacy and equality all over the
> net, but the protocol has also an "IP_FOCUS" collective message to
> prevent possible frauds transparently.
> .....
> Well. We have (almost) a free software to implement this schema. This
> free software has the form of a secure web server and is very simple
> to install. The software implement a complete ibu1000 node schema, and
> it is highly automated (for example: It creates each first day of the
> month the IBUs on personal accounts having the ibu1000 right, or
> actualize its distributed database after a shutdown, sincronizing it
> with other nodes). We will release it on the next months.
> Perhaps some powerful people dont like our project. In this way, as we
> are "heavily internet based", and each node must have a "valid" domain
> name, and currently most internet domain names are controlled by a
> central autority (ICANN), then we think a new Opennic top level domain
> could be helpfull for this project.
> We know that any domain suffix could be used for that, but we need to
> mantain some kind of control of the final suffix, to prevent anybody
> can tergiverse, prohibits or shutdown it. Also, we need "short names"
> because all the ibu accounts (and their domain names) will be written
> each time one ibu transaction occurs around the world. We hope this
> could happen thousand or million times each day...
> We are choose ".ibu" for these domain names and setting up two DNS
> servers responding it:
> and
> As we investigated, this suffix are not in any controverse or
> duplicity with anybody.
> Also these servers answer all Opennic and ICANN domain name queries.
> We want to ask the Opennic Community to support .ibu domains also...
> This is the sense of this email: To call for a vote in the opennic
> community (we are members of) to support the new .ibu tld.
> Alejandro Bonet
> PD: Thanks for your patience and any question could be posted in this
> mail list or sent directly to me (i prefer the list for transparency)
> on albogoal AT

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