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discuss - Re: [opennic-discuss] [PROPOSAL] .front TLD

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Re: [opennic-discuss] [PROPOSAL] .front TLD

Chronological Thread 
  • From: gitgud AT
  • To: discuss AT
  • Cc: Christopher <weblionx AT>
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] [PROPOSAL] .front TLD
  • Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2017 13:46:37 -0500

The concept of a "united front" simply refers to an organizational tactic,
and our choice of the word comes from the definition used within the
Merriam-Webster dictionary:

I also happen to like a lot, which is probably a much
more benign explanation than you're expecting as to why I selected that
word in particular.

As for "useful additions", I believe you're entirely mistaken. This may
be one of the most useful additions we'll have had in months.

There is a demand for this sort of thing already extant: the popularity of
services like and have demonstrated
an extremely high demand for politically minded services on the internet,
while .republican, .gop, and .democrat already exist as politically-minded
top level domains via ICANN.

With the repeal of net neutrality, we are presently faced with a rare moment
where people will stop and consider alternative internet services and protocols.
Many of these users will ostensibly do so with political motivations, and will
want to create and populate spaces where they can freely express their views
without fear of censorship or reprisal. We have extremely powerful incentive
to promote OpenNIC as a space where this is possible. With the establishment
of .front, we will have a space explicitly for that purpose.

On 2017-12-16 13:08, Christopher wrote:
I do not think this is a useful addition to the group of OpenNIC TLDs,
and I do not like the connotations that inevitably come with "front".

On Sat, Dec 16, 2017 at 12:58 PM, <gitgud AT> wrote:
I know this proposal got lost some time in early November, but
despite my absence for a length of time after this proposal, I remain
interested in going forward with plans to launch this domain.

I am seeking further comment beforehand since a lot of people may have
missed the initial discussion, and intend to put this proposal to vote
on December 18th, 2017 provided there are no serious amendments to the
initial charter.

On 2017-10-31 20:47, gitgud wrote:

Greetings from .chan,

As we wrap up our infrastructure changes and finalize the installation
of Regano registration system for our inaugural top level domain, we
have decided to propose another top level domain for our organization to
administrate, operate, and govern. We hereby propose the creation of
.front, a top level domain where all may freely voice and promote their
political views. The intention of .front would be to provide a
non-partisan safe haven for political activists, journalists, and
organizers, where they may publish web content freely without fear of
censorship or reprisal by their domain registrar. This new top-level
domain will share administrative resources and infrastructure with the
already extant .chan project. Appended below is our charter; we
appreciate any suggestions you may have about how we can best govern
this project, and will attempt to answer any questions you may have
regarding this proposal. We look forward to your input and support for
this proposal.

Happy Halloween,

=======================.FRONT CHARTER STARTS HERE=======================

.front is a top level domain established for communities, movements,
organizations, and people involved in politics. The .front TLD is
created to offer a free, non-partisan, and open namespace for
registrants to host blogs, forums, news publications, and other
commentary on politics and society.

An eligible individual for registration is defined as any individual
that has not been banned from .front domain registration. An eligible
individual for voting is defined as any individual that has not been
banned from .front domain registration and has an email with at least
one domain registered to it.

Registration is available to all eligible individuals. An individual may
register a domain on the behalf of any non-human entity, and for the
purposes of this charter is entitled to the rights, as well as held to
the restrictions, of a singular person. Registrants are asked to only
register domain names they intend to use; attempts to “domain park” or
otherwise hoard domains will be scrutinized and may result in the
revocation of your domain registrations, registration eligibility, and
voting eligibility.

All eligible individuals with a registered domain will be entitled to
one vote on major organizational decisions. A proposal to vote on may be
put forward by any individual or group of individuals. From then on, the
.front community may discuss and propose amendment to the original
proposal. The administration reserves the right to determine whether or
not a proposal is of major concern, and may at their discretion dismiss
any trivial or impossible proposals, as well as any proposals that
conflict with the stated purpose of the .front domain. Provided the
administration has not already dismissed the proposal, the individual
originating the proposal may put the proposal to vote or drop the
proposal. Should the proposal be put to vote, all members will have 72
hours from the moment the proposal was put to vote to cast a “Yay” or
“Nay” vote on the proposal. After 72 hours, all absent votes will be
registered as abstentions and the winner will be determined by a simple
majority of all non-abstaining voters. Once the results have been
announced, the proposal will go into effect as policy and will be
enforced by the relevant individuals in the organization.

In recognition of the special nature of the community and demographic
this organization is chartering a domain for, this organization will
allow all individuals to register and vote without proof of identity or
a real name. The sole criteria for to be considered a voting member of
the organization will be an email address with one or more registered,
non-revoked domains, belonging to a singular person. Should blatant
abuse of said anonymity be discovered, their eligibility as a registrant
and voter will be revoked. The offenders will not have their eligibility
to vote or register a domain reinstated. Abuse includes
“sock-puppeting”, Sybil attacks, and other similar methods of social

Provided the proposal in question does not bring this document in
conflict with OpenNIC Policy, this document may be edited or amended by
a proposal should the proposal to do so pass.

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