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discuss - Re: [opennic-discuss] PROPOSAL: .box top level domain

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Re: [opennic-discuss] PROPOSAL: .box top level domain

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Hanselka, Alex" <alex AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] PROPOSAL: .box top level domain
  • Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2011 14:10:07 -0500
  • List-archive: <>
  • List-id: <>


On Mon, Aug 8, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Travis McCrea <me AT> wrote:

> I vote no, not to be difficult but due to the wording of the business
> clause. The actual wording says that a corporation cannot register a
> domain, nor can any large business of over 50 people. That means if I
> wanted to register a domain name for (which I *do* want
> to, but I am waiting on a decent general use domain name to come
> available), because Angry Parrot Communications Inc. is a corporation
> registered in the province of British Columbia.
> Why is that clause in there in the first place? It seems silly to create
> a general purpose TLD (especially one that specifically says is to
> provide an alternative to .com, which stands for Commercial).
> Also you say that the domain has to be between 3 and 6 characters long.
> That seems highly short. AngryParrot isn't that long of a TLD. nor are
> most of my other domain names that fall outside of that threshold:
> etc all over 6
> chars.
> Also things that are banned include:
> • contents considered illegal by the registrants local laws.
> • Torrent Tracker
> Since when did it become the TLDs responsibility to interfere with what
> happens on it's TLDs? Furthermore, that's why we use different country
> codes as it is. If I am running wikileaks, I am not going to host it on
> a .com/.net because those open me up for extradition. You are directly
> blocking a person's human right to free speech by saying "well sorry you
> live in a dictatorship so you cannot voice your opinion". Furthermore it
> is not your responsibility to uphold their local laws, your
> responsibility is to uphold local laws... which brings me to torrent
> trackers. Torrent Trackers are not illegal, they do not put a burden on
> the NIC and they facilitate free sharing of information. They are the
> fastest way to get Linux Distros, and honestly I will take it a step
> further on the legal scale and simply say that sharing TV and Movies is
> a *good* thing... read my writings and Rick Falkvinge's (founder of the
> Pirate Party) at
> Our services are based on providing freedom from abusive policies that
> ICANN has created. These rules here are more restrictive than ICANN
> policies.
> I vote no, and I will be ***HIGHLY*** disappointed in OpenNIC if they
> let this pass in it's current form.
> On Mon, 2011-08-01 at 01:43 -0500, Hanselka, Alex wrote:
> > I approve. Of course that may mean nothing but yeah :D
> >
> > On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 9:29 AM, Dominique Rehborn <dominique AT
> >wrote:
> >
> > > Howdy OpenNIC folks,
> > >
> > > i am curious about running a tier 1 and would like to sponsor the top
> > > level domain .box, i started writing a charter, which still is a draft
> > > and requires your feedback, any comment appreciated.
> > >
> > > OpenNIC TLD Proposition
> > >
> > > Charter
> > >
> > > .box TLD - in the following document referred to as NIC.
> > >
> > > Proposal
> > > .box is a TLD meant as generic name space for general purposes like
> > > ICANN's .com, .org and .net TLD has been used (or misued by accident).
> a
> > > larger list of exceptions for abusive behavior and non-legitime
> contents
> > > is to be found in the policy to prevent disputes and criminal activity.
> > >
> > > Policy
> > >
> > > By Registering a NIC domain the Registrant agrees to the Policy.
> > >
> > > This Policy complies with OpenNIC Policies
> > > (http://wiki.opennic.glue/OpenNICPolicies) including following
> addition.
> > >
> > > Registration
> > > NIC domains can be registered by any individual or for an entity by an
> > > individual/natural person. Registrations may be challenged at any time
> > > if they are not held by an individual or if the holder cannot prove an
> > > outside relation justifying reservation of the name, to prevent
> > > "Cybersquatting". further exceptions are listed below.
> > >
> > > Limitations
> > > until further changes to the policy a registrant is allowed to hold a
> > > maximum of 10 domains (including a tollerance of 5) with exception to
> > > OpenNIC members, larger amounts of domain registrations require to
> > > request a quote including purpose of usage. (send your request to
> > > quote AT
> > >
> > > domain names must be at least 3 characters long and can be at most 63
> > > characters long, a domain excluding TLD should never have more than 5
> > > labels to prevent dns spam.
> > >
> > > Activity
> > > NIC reserves the right to remove any domain not resolvable for more
> than
> > > a week.
> > >
> > > Nameserver Configuration
> > > NIC requires to setup a valid Zonefile, this includes a valid SOA and 2
> NS.
> > >
> > > Non-Profit clause
> > > As this TLD is made available not for profit, domains (including
> > > subdomains) may not be transferred for compensation.
> > >
> > > Prohibited contents and behavior
> > > to limit a larger spectrum for abusive behavior the following is
> > > strictly forbidden, legitimate complaints regarding these activities
> > > will result in suspension and revocation of all appropriate domains:
> > >
> > > • general contents/activities considered illegal. this includes but is
> > > not limited to:
> > > ∘ spamming/cracking (including through non NIC systems)
> > > ∘ cracks/warez/malware/botnets/honeypots
> > > • contents considered illegal by the registrants local laws.
> > > • SEO/marketing websites
> > > • pornographic, racists/extremist contents
> > > • torrent tracker
> > >
> > > Big Business clause
> > > corporations, large enterprises (>50 employess) and financial entities
> > > are not allowed to expand their business under a NIC TLD for now. In
> > > case of a registered trademark, it is possible for the responsible to
> > > send a request to have their name registered by NIC and suspeneded
> > > definitively or http forward to a given URL.
> > > (This process requires verification, any cost created by this process
> > > will be covered by the responsible in question).
> > >
> > > Privacy
> > >
> > > • Personal data will only be collected and used if required for the
> > > creation or modification of a Handle. The registrant is obligated to
> > > keep this information up to date. The Registrant's Email address will
> > > only be used for information regarding their registered domains, policy
> > > changes and major system changes.
> > > • NIC does not give any personal information to third parties, with the
> > > exception of OpenNIC as far as they are required to reasonably or
> forced
> > > by law.
> > > • The registrant has the right to information and a right to amend, to
> > > suspend or to delete his saved information. If deletion conflicts with
> a
> > > legal or contractual duty to save information, or other legal grounds,
> > > the information will be made inaccessible.
> > >
> > > Warranty and Liability
> > > NIC tries to be as reliable and responsible as possible, however there
> > > is no warranty for availability. For direct damages, secondary damages
> > > or lost profits due to technical problems and disturbances we assume no
> > > liability.
> > >
> > > In addition, the Registrant agrees to free NIC from all claims by third
> > > parties in regard to illegal content or activity. The exemption
> > > obligation includes liability for all legal defence costs.
> > >
> > > Updates
> > > Minor changes, changes which will not affect registered domains, to the
> > > policy can be made without notice in order to close loopholes quickly
> > > and responsibly.
> > > Changes which require to be voted on will be announced at least one
> week
> > > before taking effect.
> > >
> > > --
> > > Dominique Rehborn dominique AT
> > > _______________________________________________
> > > discuss mailing list
> > > discuss AT
> > >
> > >
> > _______________________________________________
> > discuss mailing list
> > discuss AT
> >
> _______________________________________________
> discuss mailing list
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