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discuss - Re: [opennic-discuss] Voting platform / DokuWiki plugin implementation

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Re: [opennic-discuss] Voting platform / DokuWiki plugin implementation

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Fusl <opennic AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] Voting platform / DokuWiki plugin implementation
  • Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2017 05:43:50 +0200

> How about Atlassian’s suite of products (Confluence, Bitbucket, Jira, etc)?
Don't get me wrong, but, I work at a large company that utilizes many
Atlassian products, mainly the ones listed by you: Confluence, Bitbucket,

In fact, we migrated away from Bitbucket to GitHub due to *SO* many issues
that we had in the past, and we're planning on migrating away from Confluence
and Jira as well because they both keep going down so often (hosted service)
and Confluence has way too many bugs and we're most of our time just trying
to work around the bugs that we experience with Atlassian products (hosted
and self-hosted) - ever tried to edit a normal table in Confluence? Have fun
fucking up your entire page and fixing it later on.

Atlassian products are IMHO just overkill with too many features and too many
things that can go wrong and break other things at any possible time - fixing
the bugs that happen using Atlassian products means that we invest more time
into it than actually running our own software like DokuWiki.

I also think that we should not migrate *to* hosted, closed source services
but instead migrate *away* from them because that allows us to implement our
own customizations and modifications. Take our wiki mirror on GitHub for
example, there would *never* a possibility we can set up a mirror like this
with Confluence:

If you suggest a good product like AWS ("just works"), Netlify or GitHub,
they all seem good and I've never had issues with them but I loathe Atlassian
for how they keep breaking the way our team functions and they don't give a
f*** about it.

Note: I can probably write a book with the amount of bugs I discovered using
Atlassian products, reported to them and never got them to fix it. We all
(Mac, Windows and Linux users) keep getting told that we use the product
wrong and we're by now not even expecting any kind of support from them

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