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Re: [opennic-discuss] ORK new TLD (Operative Ring Key) the new blockchain/DNS hybrid

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Mike Wille <mike AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] ORK new TLD (Operative Ring Key) the new blockchain/DNS hybrid
  • Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 18:56:50 +0200

when I hear "blockchain" I think of "ICO". For people who don't know what an ICO is: Money for virtual Coins. OpenNIC will not see a dime of this Money.
This won't work since everyone will think OpenNIC is associated with this ICO and therefore to be held responseable for what the "ORK" owner ever does.

I vote a "HELL NO!" until further clearance.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
​ / with best regards​

Mike Lennart Wille,

E-Mail:  mike AT

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2017-09-26 7:02 GMT+02:00 Dmitry S. Nikolaev <dn AT>:
I agree with Christopher.

Brutalent you talking about "democracy of money", "support", "help" and
don`t answer the questions which community write to you.
You need to provide more information if you need support.

With best regards, Dmitry S. Nikolaev

On 26.09.2017 02:45, Christopher wrote:
> I'm not sure what you're asking us to vote for (we're not at the
> voting stage yet anyway) or why it's so important to get OpenNIC
> support /prior/ to implementing the technical aspect of your system.
> You go on about "democracy of money" but I don't see what that has to
> do with OpenNIC or TLDs. Is this for a TLD or for money? Does the
> block chain handle both? What does OpenNIC support entail: resolving
> ".ork" domains for non-ORK users, or something more?

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