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Re: [opennic-discuss] Vote to keep or drop peering with NameCoin

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Rouben <rouben AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] Vote to keep or drop peering with NameCoin
  • Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2019 14:22:48 -0400

Aside from the cypherpunk arguments here:
I would say that the biggest issue I recall with Namecoin is their inability or unwillingness to do anything with abuse of their namespace. 
I hope the folks at Namecoin recognize the abuse as a problem and are looking into ways to adjust the Namecoin standard to make abuse impractical (e.g. too costly). In either case I don’t think it’s fair to expect OpenNIC infrastructure operators to have to deal with the issues they’re willingly perpetuating with no “fix” in sight. As such, Namecoin’s and OpenNIC’s philosophies may be too divergent to allow for any sort of stable partnership.

Just my $0.02, but alas, I also admit that I’m a relatively fresh member of this community, so my facts and understanding may not be accurate.


On Thu, Jun 13, 2019 at 14:13 <alejandro AT> wrote:

Voted on page..


Please drop it. They don’t deserve our help.




De: discuss-request AT <discuss-request AT> En nombre de Jeff Taylor
Enviado el: lunes, 10 de junio de 2019 09:47 p. m.
Para: OpenNIC discussion <discuss AT>
Asunto: [opennic-discuss] Vote to keep or drop peering with NameCoin


In addition to the points I recently brought up about NameCoin, Fusl also discovered the following article where it appears one of their own developers criticizes OpeNIC directly for making their .bit domains available to our users, however nobody from their group have ever contacted us to say there were any problems with our implementation or even ask us to stop peering with them.

The previous discussion on this topic was short-lived, but seemed to produce little in the way of support or dissent for .bit domains, possibly meaning that there is simply very little interest in .bit overall.

At this time I would like to call for a vote on whether we should keep peering with NameCoin or drop all support.  The vote can be found here:

Due to the low volume of chat and emails at this time of year, I have set the vote for a two-week period, ending on June 25th.  Hopefully that will give everyone interested a chance to weigh in.  For those not familiar with the voting page, please use your OpenNIC user account credentials (the same one you use on the servers page or to sign in to be.libre) to log in to the wiki in order to cast your vote.  Select if you want to keep or drop .bit, then click the grey "Your Vote" button.

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