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discuss - Re: [opennic-discuss] Limitations on the number of T2 servers per person?

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Re: [opennic-discuss] Limitations on the number of T2 servers per person?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Daniel Quintiliani" <danq AT>
  • To: "discuss" <discuss AT>
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] Limitations on the number of T2 servers per person?
  • Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2015 16:30:36 -0400 (EDT)

There's only one problem - the DoS attacks that occasionally happen, OpenNIC
would be less usable if there were fewer targets to take down.


-dan q

On Fri, 16 Oct 2015 13:55:33 -0600, Jeff Taylor <shdwdrgn AT> wrote:

> As you may (or may not) be aware, recently one of the T2 operators was
> forced to shut down most of their servers overnight. Unfortunately at
> the time, this person was running about 50% of the total list of public
> servers. Messages were sent to the mailing list, the servers were
> removed from the listings, and some of the servers were able to brought
> back again soon after.
> We've had some debates on IRC already regarding whether there should be
> limitations placed on how many servers each individual is allowed to add
> to the public list (which affects things such as the nearest-servers
> info displayed on opennic's homepage). There are pro and con points to
> this argument. If we allow unlimited server entries, it greatly expands
> the reach of opennic with local servers in more countries. However in a
> situation such as this, where a large number of servers are shut down at
> once, it hurts opennic's credibility and reliability, especially for
> those who like to set their DNS server entries and forget about them
> (this describes a large number of people who set up a home router or
> access point).
> Keeping this in mind, these are our options:
> 1) allow unlimited entries
> 2) limit the number of entries per person to a fixed number
> 3) limit the number of entries based on a formula, taking into account
> the current number of public servers, and/or the amount of time a user
> has successfully provided public servers.
> Number 3 seems to offer the best option, so long-time members can
> provide larger numbers of servers. Even within that, there are
> sub-options to consider:
> 3a) Number is a percentage of total servers -- if there are 70 public
> servers and we user 10% as our base, then each user would be allowed to
> list 7 servers.
> 3b) Add the percentage to a base number -- we could allow everyone 5 +
> 10%, so as above this would currently give everyone a total of 12
> servers they could provide.
> 3c) Calculate a number from the length of time the user has been hosting
> public servers -- For a simple example, let's say 1 server per every
> month of hosting, so someone who has run servers for 10 months would be
> allowed to list up to 10 servers.
> Most likely we would want to create a combination of the above...
> something like a base of 2 servers, plus 5% of total servers for every 3
> months of hosting. This would ensure a new user doesn't have too many
> entries to begin with, but that they become more trusted with long-term
> involvement with the project.
> Please discuss how this should be handled. We need to decide how we
> want to handle this and implement a solid solution that is fair to
> everyone. If you have ideas for a formula to use, please explain why
> you like it. If there are other variables that should be considered,
> let me know and I'll see if it's something I can implement.
> --------
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