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Re: [opennic-discuss] Vote to keep or drop peering with NameCoin

Chronological Thread 
  • From: "Daniel Quintiliani" <danq AT>
  • To: "discuss" <discuss AT>
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] Vote to keep or drop peering with NameCoin
  • Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2019 20:08:49 -0400 (EDT)

Wasn't the whole point of getting rid of Namecoin was to not have to worry
about blacklisting things anymore?

Blacklisting is a bad idea, whether it be for ransomware, porn, adblocking,
politics, religion, or anything else. Even ISPs don't do that, and can't do
that in jurisdictions where there's net neutrality.

Policing the world is usually a really bad idea.


-Dan Q

On Sat, 29 Jun 2019 18:55:27 -0500, Jacob Bachmeyer <jcb62281 AT>

> Jeff Taylor wrote:
> > It could relate to any domains, opennic or icann. And I'm not saying
> > we WILL, I'm just saying we COULD have that option. Like with the
> > spamhaus listings, use of this would be up to the individual T2
> > operators. At the moment there is nothing planned, I just wrote the
> > API so we could expand on its use later if we chose to.
> I suggest a policy restricting the use of non-malware blacklists to
> private T2 servers. In other words, T2 servers using blacklists for any
> category other than malware would not be eligible to be listed in the
> public directory.
> We might even want to require public T2 servers to blacklist known
> malware domains, but that is sure to be highly controversial. Should we
> censor ransomware?
> -- Jacob
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