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Re: [opennic-discuss] broken https on reg.libre

Chronological Thread  
  • From: Erich Eckner <opennic AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] broken https on reg.libre
  • Date: Tue, 26 May 2020 08:55:37 +0200 (CEST)

Hash: SHA256


I got now acme2certifier running locally for private use. It needed a few fixes (which - thanks to being written in python - are quite easy to perform in-situ) and I expect more issues to surface, once the user base broadens (for example, I only tested with certbot, and I only tested http and dns challenges).

I suggest the following roadmap (open for discussion/suggestions, of course):

1. I set up a public-facing acme certifier on a not-so-secure host of mine (sry, I only have a virtual server available, which will be insufficiently secure for a CA, obviously) based on We treat this as experimental, but everyone is encouraged to get certificates for their opennic domains, use them and report issues to me. I try to fix them (of course, I would also be thankful about help, here :-D) and turn the proof-of-concept into a production-ready setup.

2. Meanwhile, we figure out, how the key infrastructure should look like: Who should hold what key, what should be the default validy duration, resign period, etc.

3. At some point, when we're satisfied with the status of 1 and 2, we set up the real CA (installation according to 1, design according to 2) and switch from using CA-1 to CA-3. Or, we might even switch gradually (depending on what we want in 2) and simply advertise CA-1 as non-experimental at some point.

What do you think?


On Sun, 24 May 2020, Amunak wrote:

We definitely need to allow for a "standard" approach where
root/intermediate certificates can be installed "as usual", either by users
or by (hopefully, maybe, sometime) OS/browser vendors. Without such standard
approach a lot of use cases cannot be even accounted, and OpenNic's support
of software and infrastructure would be extremely limited.

However it would also be reasonable to try and make a simple solution for
end users - something like a browser extension that would (1) give end users
access to OpenNic domains and that could verify the certificates
automatically would be an amazing solution. Unfortunately I kind of doubt
browsers support this for security reasons.

Regardless it's nice to see people finally at least thinking about this.


On 2020-05-24 16:38, Erich Eckner wrote:
Hash: SHA256


I don't want perfect be the enemy of good, but:

I think, the "good" solution should be smoothly extendable
towards "perfect". Which a
other-than-standard-X.509-infrastructure is not, IMHO.

btw: I'm currently testing which is advertised as
horribly experimental, but is written in python (so the
build/installation process is not as horrible as with go stuff),
is actually understandable and currently gives me certificates
(with openssl as backend, so we're quite flexible there) which
for some reason have no purpose set, currently.

I would rather use acme2certifier (or some similar tool) for a
"good" solution and improve it continuously towards "perfect".
Yes, it does not currently securely support ASN and probably
many other things, that one might wish for, but from everything
I tested so far, this is the only software which was feasible to
set up and get running.


On Sun, 24 May 2020, postmaster wrote:


I know I am a totally ignorant regarding this
subject but:
A) Lets assume a temporary solution to satisfy only
the browser-requirements
B) Lets assume we begin to prefer ONE browser
C) Lets assume we do this and more towards OpenNIC
becoming a CA or part of another CA

THANK YOU SO MUCH for spending your time and effort
on this!


On 2020-05-24 04:42, Erich Eckner wrote:
On Sun, 24 May 2020, Rouben wrote:

Hi Erich et al,

Hi Rob,

I'll answer inline (as I usually do).

My apologies in advance for
a wall of text. I also want
to repeat that I am
in no way a crypto expert,
and don't claim to fully
understandany of the
above, especially the
behind it, just the
high-level concepts and
"advanced end-user" level
implementation thereof.

First, I was referring to a
distributed WoT model by
monkeysphere. Their
browser extension approachis
intriguing and could work
for us... the only
issue is, browser
extensions, especially those
that rely on "native
messaging hosts" (extra
software that needs to be
set up in order to
interactwith the end-user's
OS), are a pain in the ass
to install. It's
more painful than simply
installing a CA cert, I
think,unless we wrap the
browser extension into a
super easy installer for
each major platform.

I find a browser extension sub-optimal
and certificates which only
work with a browser extension
insufficient: There are many other ways
to interact with the web besides "a
browser". For example, I need ssl
certificates which can be natively
validated by my linux package
manager, curl and openssl itself. Also I
doubt, that browser
extensions cover all the range of
strange browsers (old internet
explorers, text-only browsers, ...)

Second, I was referring to
Blakely-Shamir secret
sharing that was available
in the commercial and
freeware versions of PGP,
but doesn't seem to be
available in GnuPG (GPG) and
Open/LibreSSL. Here's

Note, this is not the same
as "shared secret", i.e.
just copying the private
key and sending its copies
to each person. More

Yes, I'm aware of that algorithm
(basically, it is similar to RAID).
My concern was, that it required the
creation of a (combined) secret
key, which *then* gets splitted. But I
guess, I'm asking for too much
(in terms of what is already implemented
in software, not what is
possible theoretically), if I want that
there was never the secret key
existent, only parts thereof.

PGP (the commercial
software) did this neatly.
In a nutshell this feature
allowed to split a PGP
private key into N parts,
each with its own
individual owner and owner's
unique passphrase. In order
to conduct any kind
of crypto operations with
this split key (decryption
and signing), M out of
N owners needed to perform
it, where M < N. The way it
was implemented was
cool too; each owner of a
split key piece could
perform the operation
asynchronously and on their
own, and pass on the
intermediate output of the
operation to the group. Once
a sufficient number of
owners (i.e. M)
performed the operation, the
final output (e.g. decrypted
text, or signed
data/cert) was generated.
For example:

ACME Inc has 3 employees
(N=3), Bob, Alice and Joe.
They create a "split"
secret key and each has
their own share of the key
with its own unique
passphrase. They decide on a
2 out of 3 key sharing
policy (M=2), where any
2 of them are required to
perform secret key
operations. The public key
not split, and available on
ACME's company website.

Carl, a customer of ACME,
uses the public key on the
company's website to
encrypt a sensitive document
and sends it to ACME's
public mailbox.

Bob gets Carl's encrypted
email, and uses his share of
the secret key to
produce an intermediate
called Bob1. Bob then passes
on Bob1 to Alice.
Alice's email is set to
autoreply that she's on
vacation until next week.
Bob then passes Bob1 to Joe.
Joe, receives Bob1 and
decrypts it with his
share of the shared secret
key. Since 2 shares of the
keys were used, Joe
obtains the fully decrypted
document sent by Carl. Joe
then shares Carl's
decrypteddocument with the

Yes, in order for us to meaningfully use
this split-key scheme, there
would be some support needed from the
software (I'll ask on the
openssl-users mailing list, if openssl
supports something like this) -
it would make no sense for us to glue
the private key together
somewhere to extend the validity of the
intermediate ca certificates

Here's a "democratic CA"
Suppose OpenNIC has 3
elected "cert signers" and a
policy where 2 out of 3
of them need to agree to
sign the cert. You see where
I am going with this?

yes, this sounds loveley.

Just replay the Carl, Alice,
Bob and Joe example above
Carl'sdocument with Carl's
intermediate CA cert signing
request (CSR) and
"decryption" with "signing",
and the ACME Inc corporate
key with the root CA
cert private key. This could
be used to allow a group of
people to "vote"
whether or not to sign a
candidate's (Carl's) CA cert
with the root CA
cert's private key. And yes,
you could do this in PGP
(not GPG, AFAIK) out
of the box to allow an
organization to split the
responsibility of PGP key
owner identity verification
among a group of people.

They key features here were
1. Any secret (including
private/secret key) can be
split into a N of M type
scenario. This can be
achieved with the
Shamir/Blakely secret
algorithm. An open source
implementation of this is
called gfshare, and is
available as a DEB package
on Ubuntu.
2. IMPORTANT: the shares can
be used by different people
on different
machines at different times
to produce intermediate data
(encrypted?) that
can be securely passed
around to the individual
secret key share holders, so
they can use their key
shares/parts independently
at a time/place convenient
for them.
3. Once the sufficient
number of shareholders used
their shares of the
shared secret key, the
message is fully decrypted.
4. Presumably none of the
shareholders were able to
reconstruct the original
"split" secret key,i.e. Joe
was not able to reconstruct
and captire the
full secret key from Bob's
intermediate message Bob1.

The problem here is that the
gfshare implementation won't
work, because it
can't be used to produce an
intermediate output
("partially encrypted") that
can be passed on to the
remaining shareholders. This
*was* possible with
Privacy Guard) not
Open/LibreSSL offer this out
of the box. I'm not sure
why, because I think in a CA
scenario, the root
cert'sprivatekey could be
"protected" this way.

The man

es offer an interesting
scenario that can be used to
back up a master GPG
private key used to certify
its subkeys. Basically the
idea is that when you
create a GPG key, you have
one master key that's only
allowed to certify
(i.e. edit the key, such as
add/edit/remove subkeys,
extend validity, etc),
and you also have 3 separate
subkeys that are used
exclusively for signing,
encryption/decryption and
authentication. This is
described in detail
conjunction to using a
hardware token, like a
YubiKey, to store all the
subkeys. The "master" key
is stored offline, and is
never used on a machine that
goes online. In a
sense, the "master" key is
like the CA Key of your GPG
key, while the
signing, encryption and auth
keys are like the certs you
use for specific
functions. In theory,
instead of storing your
master key in cold storage,
you could use gfshare to
split it up between N
places, and securely store
each shard in different
places. You'd need a certain
number of these shards
to reconstruct the master
key in order to edit your
GPG keypair (eg. do this
every year to extend its
validity). You could also do
the same with the
revocation certificate for
your key and use the same
method to reconstruct
it if your GPG key ever gets

In case of personal GG keys,
I understand the above is
quite "cypherpunk"
level hardcore, but hey,
it's nice to know it's
possible. In the context of
a CA, I think it's quite
useful... but alas, I lack
the skills/understanding
here to be of any further

The problem I see with this is, that
each time you want to do
something with your key (e.g. sign the
intermediate ca), someone must
assemble it from the shards. This
requires us to send (parts of)
private key material around, which is
undesirable. Additionally, you
must put extra-trust into that someone,
that he will delete the
reconstructed private key properly after
signing (and only signing
what consent was reached, etc.).

If it turns out to be impossible to have
a distributed secret key
which does not need to be sent around in
order to actually sign
something, I'm in favour of having
multiple root CAs for now (to
increase the bus factor) and trust, that
the owners of those CAs
handle it properly and only sign what
the community has consent about.



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