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discuss - Re: [opennic-discuss] Announcement: New registrar for OSS and Parody

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Re: [opennic-discuss] Announcement: New registrar for OSS and Parody

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Alejandro Bonet <albogoal AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] Announcement: New registrar for OSS and Parody
  • Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2014 09:58:55 +0100

Propposed draft of protocol between registries:

- Each registry web has a public http url to receive requests.
- Each registry web has a public key and a private key.
- There is a central registry for each tld, and secondary registries
for that tld.

When an user indetified in one registry(A) want to register a new
domain under a tld,
the registry(A) makes a dig test against the master dns server of that tld.

If the domain is not available, the registry(A) web says that to the user.

If the domain is available, the registry(A) sends a request to central
registry(B) of that tld.

The data to send in this request can be of two types:

1- New Domain (with domain name and user email for whois)
2- Resource Record Change (with name, RR type, TTL and RR content)

The central registry(B) must answer to the secondary registry(A) with
In the first case, the master dns is updated.

This can be done with some variables in the http request:

mode=NEW or RRCH (new domain or reource record change)
registry= (the domain name of the registry making the request)
email= (the email of the owner of the domain if NEW, for whois porpouses)
name= (the name of the domain)
rrtype= (the resource record type if it is the case)
rrdata= (the content of the resource record)
rrttl= (the TTL of the resource record)

This is a "draft". Without cyphering or ssl certificates...
It could be useful for initial tests, but of course, then it must be
autenticated and cyphered...

I like very much the open cyphering program SECCURE (it is in all the
debian repositories)
from Bertram Poettering. I have good personal relation with the
author. The program is
"The State of The Art" in cryptography. It uses elliptic curves model,
stronger than prime numbers used on ssl with shorter keys. It is the
program we use to cypher IBU currency
transactions protocol. Very simple to create key pairs, cipher,
decipher, sign, autenticate files
or strings, etc with simple shell comands. And of course is open
source and free.

Alejandro Bonet
albogoal AT

2014-03-08 9:16 GMT+01:00, Alejandro Bonet <albogoal AT>:
> Please, forget most of my last email about this issue (but not the
> essence of that):
> 1.- Tests can be done with DIG against the master DNS server for the tld.
> 2.- The protocol must exchange only CHANGES in Resource Records
> (autenticated and ciphered with key pair)
> 3.- There is no need to download anything: The secondary registries
> dont need to be
> slave dns servers for the tld, but if they are so, bind9 will do the
> work automatically...
> Alejandro Bonet
> albogoal AT
> 2014-03-08 9:01 GMT+01:00, Alejandro Bonet <albogoal AT>:
>> Perhaps we must define a "standard protocol between registries".
>> The protocol only could need three functions:
>> 1.- Test if a domain is already registered in another registry or not
>> (its free).
>> 2.- Register a new domain with the "registry number" (perhaps public
>> key).
>> 3.- Download all the RRs of one registry from another, to build zone
>> files.
>> I think this can be well done with http queries and XML answers...
>> Perhaps with some kind of public/private keys, or ssl certificates to
>> ciphering...
>> Alejandro Bonet
>> albogoal AT
>> 2014-03-08 8:52 GMT+01:00, Alejandro Bonet <albogoal AT>:
>>> Good work, Jeff...
>>> Can i ask you which data tables are you using in your model?
>>> In the registro.ibu i have three tables:
>>> One for users (owners of the domains, with emails and hashed passwords)
>>> Another for SLDs (second level domains with owners and creation and
>>> expiration dates)
>>> Another for THLDs (third level domains or DNS Resource Records with
>>> SLDs, RR names, RR types and RR contents)
>>> From that i generate the zone file automatically for bind9 each time
>>> anybody make a change...
>>> Alejandro Bonet
>>> albogoal AT
>>> PD: Im also building a list of most country and city names and big
>>> trade marks as "at first view unregistrable names"...
>>> 2014-03-08 7:30 GMT+01:00, Hospedaje Web y Servidores Dedicados
>>> <ventas AT>:
>>>> great Jeff, i want one .parody =D
>>>> Ing. Alejandro M.
>>>> Hospedaje Web y Servidores Dedicados
>>>> ------
>>>> correo / msn: ventas AT
>>>> skype: dedicados
>>>> ------
>>>> El 08/03/2014 12:27 a. m., Jeff Taylor escribió:
>>>>> I am very close to opening up a new site for registering .oss and
>>>>> .parody domain names. I'm still working on a few features, but for
>>>>> the most part the new code is ready to go.
>>>>> The benefits...
>>>>> - This time I actually know what I'm doing! When I wrote the original
>>>>> registration site, I barely had a grasp on how DNS worked, and that is
>>>>> apparent in the mixed screens available for entering fields.
>>>>> - Like the site, this new page will allow you to create a
>>>>> basic DNS zone for your domain that is hosted here, or you can choose
>>>>> to use your own nameservers and build your records as you see fit.
>>>>> - There will be actual expirations on domains, with emails sent out to
>>>>> notify owners of yearly renewals.
>>>>> - I have support built in for other languages, and have been working
>>>>> with others to get translations for the bulk of the text.
>>>>> The pitfalls...
>>>>> - I still suck at website design. The theming I built is horrible,
>>>>> but the new engine has been designed with flexibility in mind, so at
>>>>> some point in the future I hope someone else can do better, and
>>>>> possibly offer different methods of building the DNS data.
>>>>> One of the features of the new code I wrote is that it will perform
>>>>> validations on the information entered. While bring the current data
>>>>> for OSS and Parody into the new system, I discovered that a large
>>>>> number of registered domains don't actually have valid data, and are
>>>>> probably not even being used. There appears to only be 3 valid
>>>>> domains under parody, so I will open up that TLD on the new system
>>>>> first before moving OSS over.
>>>>> This should start happening next week, depending on my available
>>>>> time. I'll make announcements as I get things moved around...
>>>>> --------
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