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Re: [opennic-discuss] [ICANN] New gTLDS, first conflict

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Alejandro Bonet <albogoal AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] [ICANN] New gTLDS, first conflict
  • Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2014 15:37:59 +0100

Jon Postel showed us the way...

Unfortunately he is dead and we got "orphans"...

But we only need "an allways growing group of Jon Postel imitators"...

I'm a Jon Postel imitator.

Alejandro Bonet
albogoal AT

PD: And i hope (and i'm almost sure), i'm not the only one...

In fact, i think some others here in Opennic are also Jon Postel imitators...

Remember: "Be liberal in what you receive, and conservative in what you send".

Please, Coyo: Build an AS2 database and you will get my (technically
limited but heart unlimited) support...

If you reduce it to its minimal expression, it is only a public csv text file:

AS2, email

And a public web form to add registers to the table...

(And an arbitrary logo, and some text to explain the problem and the
suggestion to all peoples in this planet...)
(And other planets people also... ;-)

2014-03-06 15:02 GMT+01:00, Alejandro Bonet <albogoal AT>:
> Well, excuse me Coyo but i think more about ip routing,
> and let me expose my opinion of the problem...
> If i say nosense things, please notice me...
> As i understand in your last coment speech, ICANN is responsable to
> assign AS numbers arbitrarily or with money base?
> And the BGP protocols includes these numbers in each transaction of ip
> routing data?
> Well, if these are true...
> Who or what deny us some other "completely free and open database" of
> AS2 numbers?
> A simple database where anybody can get is own AS2 number for free in
> some public web.
> Asigned automatically with a simple incremental counter...
> Perhaps only with a valid email to contact...
> Excuse me again if im saying nosense things...
> Im completely novice for this "war"...
> Alejandro Bonet
> albogoal AT
> PD: Of course, actual AS numbers owners could get their AS2 numbers
> for free also...
> I allways say the same:
> "Internet is not a computer network. It is an open protocol specification".
> And also:
> "Authority is some thing very difficult to obtain, trought years of
> patience and good and responsable work, but also it is a very easy
> thing to loose, with bad decissions, in only few minutes or
> seconds..."
> 2014-03-06 14:27 GMT+01:00, Alejandro Bonet <albogoal AT>:
>> Wow Coyo!!
>> I had no idea about BGP, AS, etc... Now i see...
>> Respecting TLDs i (and some friends) proposse a "simple general rule
>> anybody could agree":
>> "If you run a public dns server resolving ALL namespaces to The People,
>> then you can create SOME namespaces and they will be respected by The
>> People".
>> How many namespaces? In my humble personal opinion ONE for each public
>> dns server you suply...
>> Its a way "to pay" the service of public dns servers, and a way to avoid
>> big money or dictionary based abuses we are suffering today.
>> And it does not need a "central authority", or complex votations: Only
>> "observatories taking PUBLIC account of tld namespaces and public dns
>> servers".
>> Anybody can create his own "observatory" and collect and publish
>> public data about tlds and dns servers...
>> Luckily there are sixtillions of names that can be used as tlds, and
>> perhaps
>> no many people want to create tlds if they need to mantain a public
>> dns servers...
>> About coins, we (me and some others) are promoting the ibu:
>> A virtual currency created not as debt against the bank,
>> instead it is created as Universal Basic Income, at a personal
>> rate equivalent to monthly world GDP percapita.
>> It is not a "coin" for new tld rights: It is a currency for all trades.
>> ...
>> Perhaps you and me dont have the same idea about capitalism.
>> Or perhaps we dont distingish it well from liberalism.
>> As i see it (and it is the way Carlos Marx defined it), capitalism is a
>> natural degeneration of liberalism.
>> It is not an "economic theoretical model". It is the contrary: A
>> disease of liberalism
>> which is the "real" economic theoretical model behind capitalism disease.
>> Carlos Marx only showed us liberalism contradiction:
>> "If you let people trade without limits, to get many offers in the
>> market, you will get few
>> concentrated offers in the market, and some few people will control
>> ALL the market and
>> in the name of free market."
>> It is the same idea behind Monopoly board game...
>> This game allways ends in the same way: A player has the complete
>> board, and the rest
>> of players have nothing...
>> Of course i respect all the freedom for write and sign agreements
>> between any parts.
>> But if these agreements invade "public" (dont confuse with
>> "governamental") space,
>> then i think The People must say whatever they want about that
>> "private" agreements.
>> Including the right to DENY them, or simply "ignore them".
>> Capitalism is the contrary of Democracy.
>> But of course, capitalism try to manage and administer Democracy,
>> because this is
>> its worse enemy...
>> Best regards and thanks for your explanations, Coyo, about ip routing
>> oligopolies...
>> Alejandro Bonet
>> albogoal AT
>> PD: This is another (one more) war i had no idea, but i will follow it
>> in the future...

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