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Re: [opennic-discuss] Organisation form of Open Nic -, or - wouldyoulike cooperation?

Chronological Thread 
  • From: mike <mike AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: Re: [opennic-discuss] Organisation form of Open Nic -, or - wouldyoulike cooperation?
  • Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 16:36:48 -0600
  • Envelope-to: discuss AT

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On 11/12/2012 04:47 PM, Aaron J. Angel wrote:
> On 11/12/2012 04:20 PM, mike wrote:
>>>>> If Open Nic is a non-organisation, a kind of anarchistic
>>>>> group that does formally not exist (no legal body) and
>>>>> where we do not know the decision procedure, it is more
>>>>> difficult to cooperate.
>> Unless someone can come up with a better description, the best
>> definition that I have come to understand is that OpenNIC, as it
>> stands, is a "Voluntary Association" style of a "Collective".
>> Such entities have well established and well understood legal
>> standing.
> That may be about as close as you can get, although the vocabulary
> may be different depending on location. Well-established and
> well-understood, I might dispute, considering that laws differ
> between various countries, states, provinces, cities, etc., and
> OpenNIC doesn't have a 'home' in that respect.

Yeah, I guess it's not really *that* well understood, there's only
about a thousand books on the subject, for instance:

Anderson, Robert T.; and Anderson, Gallatin 1958 Voluntary
Associations and Urbanization: A Dia-chronic Analysis. American
Journal of Sociology 65: 265-273.

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Series 64:1016-1027.

Axelrod, Morris 1956 Urban Structure and Social Participation.
American Sociological Review 21:13-18.

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in the Slum. University of Nebraska Studies, New Series, No. 27.
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Mike Sharkey,CEO
Pike Aerospace Research Corp. (Pike Aero)
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Sudbury, Ontario
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