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discuss - [opennic-discuss] On Daniel Quintiliani's thoughts [WAS: Re: [DE] Es ist traurig...]

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[opennic-discuss] On Daniel Quintiliani's thoughts [WAS: Re: [DE] Es ist traurig...]

Chronological Thread 
  • From: Philipp Schafft <lion AT>
  • To: discuss AT
  • Subject: [opennic-discuss] On Daniel Quintiliani's thoughts [WAS: Re: [DE] Es ist traurig...]
  • Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2018 11:53:08 +0000

Good afternoon,

On Thu, 2018-08-16 at 07:01 -0400, Daniel Quintiliani wrote:
> It's not my translation, it's Google's translation. Blame their faulty
> algorithms for being "unkind" and "flooding".

Their algorithms have not posted to my thread.

> I simply copied and pasted it because nobody was understanding me when
> I thought it was violent.

Why did you think so in the first place? There was no reason to do so.

> Is there any way you can leave me alone and not have a problem with
> me? What do I have to do so you can leave me alone?

I have no personal problem with you at all. I'm also not targeting your

I'm here to hold the banner of democracy up. With the other banners
OpenNIC considers important.

And as clearly visible in the archives, I have done so in the past when
other persons worked on what I consider fatal erosion on OpenNIC's

> I'm getting really tired of this. I've missed at least 2 family
> get-togethers over the past month because I'm too scared of what
> people here will do to me if I'm not right on time with the votes. I
> am having a hard time sleeping too because of OpenNIC, and health
> issues which randomly appeared this week aren't any help.

I'm sorry to hear about this. And I wish you the best with your health

All I can suggest here is that you slow down. This is one of the things
I spoke in my text about. That rushing things is often a bad idea. This
has nothing to do with you, or even OpenNIC. Just that rushing things
isn't how the world works.

> No matter what I try to do to either (1) please everyone or (2) try
> and put everything behind us and peace, someone finds some fault with
> it and uses it to attack me.

The point here is that it doesn't feel that way. I noticed that your
behavior changed. I also think that there there are aspects pointing to
the right direction.

Yet I still see there many problems. All I can suggest you to allow
yourself a cool down. Why not e.g. ask someone else to count the votes?
This way it's not your problem anymore. If you don't count them at all,
you can't be blamed for doing wrong.

And in a democratic voting there is only one correct result from the
counting. Therefore it's of no relevance who counts.

> I am scared. I don't know if there will be a proposal to target me
> with something.

As hard as this one might sound, but: You did that against others. And
things might or might come back to oneself.

> I cannot honestly believe you legitimately compare about democracy.
> You are a troll plain and simple.

You are attacking me personally again.

> You speak and post threads in foreign languages just to aggravate me.

Which is a offending allegation. How did you know? Over here people nee
to prove such claims. If they can't... according to German law there can
be up to five years of jail. This is not some minor thing. If you raise
your voice like this, prove it!

What I did was commenting on the events of the day. In fact I used a
style that is commonly used to ask people to reflect. I actually hoped
for no reply to my thread.

Also I did post in German (I don't see how the Internet has "foreign"
languages, this doesn't make sense to me) with your own approval. You
have acknowledged the use of non-English languages in discussions

> You nitpick because I used the wrong word.

I insist on the correct term to be used AND the correct counting to be
applied. This is what I did.

> You randomly make something up three days after a proposal passes that
> I'm a day off when I provide a paper trail going back to last month to
> prove you wrong.

Such as?

> Particularly a proposal which was intended to cause peace, and 10
> people agreed and were convinced that we would put this behind us. But
> no, someone has to troll me, speak foreign languages, use accusations
> of fraud, dishonesty crimes, and everything else, deliberately
> changing election procedures clarified months ago.

And now you switched from "you" to "someone".

> I want all of you to go away. I want you to let me sleep again. I want
> to go on in my life and not have to skip real life events because I'm
> scared to death.

Again: Go and have your cool down. You can press the power button of
your computer any time you like.

> Most people agree that this should be over,

And I'm one of them. I would be very happy if OpenNIC could actually
solve it's real problems. There is this request of Homepage update, and
I'm sure there is some random server failing to do some task.

If you are good in HTML I openly invite you to take care of the Homepage
update request. I think it would be a nice way to get out of this pit.

> it's only like 3 trolls who are constantly dragging us back into this
> garbage, and no matter what we do, find something to make fun of
> people and get people angry on purpose and then claim their trolling
> is in the interest of democracy.

Stop calling people trolls that upload standards or do political
protest. This is disrespectful to no end.

> They count the votes anyway, and get the same results.

If you refer to my message <1534239856.5822.9.camel AT>
here, then: We didn't came to the same results.

> Except when they
> "misscount" [sic]

Ha, nice find! Thank you. :)

This just proves that people ("they") on this list are often no native
speakers. And therefore a fixation on the English language is counter to
a society that welcomes people from all around the earth.

This is why it is important to allow threads like this -- commentary on
the events of the day in a language different from English.

I very much support the claim that voting processes and important
information must be accessible to all. But this can not be done by
limiting as limiting is the opposite of making things more available.

> things their own way. You cannot give the President a third term by
> combining multiple differing invalid and/or write-in and/or spoiled
> and/or spoilt [sic] and/or potato salad and/or paragraph essay and/or
> town name votes into a single vote to cancel Election Day.

Nobody tried that. Please show it to me.

Also, it was a band name, not a town name (ref:
<C36C1565-6711-4D39-9897-5C96D63A91AF AT>).

> Please, please, please leave me alone. I dont know hwat to do. I dont
> know how to get you to leave me alone. I've done everything you asked
> for, gone out of my way to be kind, but not only is it never good
> enough, but it always results in mocking, trolling, and vicious
> retaliation. I just want to live my life and use the servers. Please
> please stop. What do I have to do?

All I can suggest you is to get your self some fresh air. Enjoy your
life, go out and enjoy your winter/summer (I don't know where you are

Then return in a few days as friend with open and kind words, and
without harsh and unreflected claims and words of disrespect.

I also repeat my invitation here: When you return I'm happy to work with
you and Mr. Hanselka on the update of the website.

With kind regards and best wishes for your health,

> On Thu, 16 Aug 2018 08:29:46 +0000, Philipp Schafft
> <lion AT> wrote:
> > Good morning,
> >
> > On Thu, 2018-08-16 at 04:22 -0400, Daniel Quintiliani wrote:
> > > Like you did to me, I can reply to another message in my own
> language. You yourself said we have a human right to do so.
> >
> > Sure. But flooding the thread with off-topic discussion is unkind at
> > best of no honor at worst.
> >
> > Also claiming things not based on facts (my text) but fiction (your
> > translation) is not. And it is forbidden in most nations of the
> world,
> > including in the one I live.
> >
> > With best regards,
> >
> > > --
> > >
> > > -Dan Q
> > >
> > >
> > > On Thu, 16 Aug 2018 08:18:06 +0000, Philipp Schafft
> <lion AT> wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > You yourself acknowledged that discussion may be in any
> language. And
> > > > this is more a letter to the public than the start of a
> discussion. Why
> > > > not just follow your own acknowledgment and let this thread be
> > > > undisturbed? Including undisturbed by translations that are too
> poor to
> > > > to be called a translation of the text and does not represent
> anything
> > > > that is part of the on-topic discussion.

(Rah of PH2)

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